One ❵❯

Two ❵❯

This is a short segment from a recent episode. It is cut short for listening convenience.

Uh, next question is... "How do you handle really bad scenarios? I'm writing a story where a character does something really bad and I don't know how to go about it, so I wanted to ask you for any tips. Thanks!" Woah. Hmm.

I might be able to answer this actually. Lemme tell a short story.

So, a few years ago I knew this guy. We were really close. We'd hang out and do all kinds of cool shit together, and one day I guess somethin' happened. I won't say what, but just know shit went down. And It fucked me up badly. I didn't know what to do at first. Then I took the only way out I knew:

I ran away from it all.

I didn't look back. And that's not a good thing, I feel. Runnin' away sucks. You gotta get a new job, do all this bullshit, get a new place.. I didn't want to do it, but I HAD to. Sometimes you gotta do shit you don't wanna do. Is this a good mindset to have? Good fuckin' question. I don't know or care.

But like, I don't know what your character did, so I can't tell if this is good advice or not really. And now I'm realizing this is just me rambling. Fuuuuck.

Anyway yeah, just.... Just ignore everything I said actually. Just think about how you would handle it and think as if YOU are the character. Get in the mindset and shit.

Anyway, next question, uhh...


This site is apart of the SWEET BRO mspfa and is not about any real podcast. News Post Guy is voiced by Doctor Sunset.